
Community Service

Program committee
  • Human-Centered Explainable AI (CHI). 2024
  • Fairness and Robustness in Machine Learning for Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp). 2023

  • The ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). 2023, 2024
  • The ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). 2023, 2024
  • The AAAI / ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (AIES). 2024
  • The ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI). 2023
  • International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 2023, 2024
  • European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness (EWAF). 2024

    Workshop Organization

  • [2024] From Stem to Stern. Contestability Along AI Value Chains. At ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW)

    Agathe Balayn (TU Delft), Yulu Pi (University of Warwick), David Widder (Cornell Tech), Kars Alfrink (TU Delft), Mireia Yurrita (TU Delft), Sohini Upadhyay (Harvard University), Naveena Karusala (Harvard University), Henrietta Lyons (University of Melbourne), Cagatay Turkay (University of Warwick), Christelle Tessono (University of Toronto), Blair Attard-Frost (University of Toronto), Ujwal Gadiraju (TU Delft).

  • [2024] Responsible Crowdsourcing for Responsible Generative AI. Engaging Crowds in AI Auditing and Evaluation. At AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP)

    Wesley Hanwen Deng (Carnegie Mellon University), Mireia Yurrita (TU Delft), Mark Díaz (Google Research), Jina Suh (Microsoft Research), Nick Judd (Digital Safety Research Institute), Lara Groves (Ada Lovelace Institute), Hong Shen (Carnegie Mellon University), Motahhare Eslami (Carnegie Mellon University), Kenneth Holstein (Carnegie Mellon University).

    Side Projects

  • [2023] Mapping Facets of Appropriate Trust onto the Human-Centered AI Design Process with Chadha Degachi (TU Delft), Siddharth Mehrotra (TU Delft), Evangelos Niforatos (TU Delft), Myrthe Tielman (TU Delft).
  • [2022] Plumbing the ML pipeline with Pamela Gil-Salas (Umea University), Jacob Browne (Philips), Natalia-Rozalia Avlona (University of Copenhagen).
  • [2022] Prototyping tensions. How to talk to your colleagues about AI with Sonja Rattay (University of Copenhagen), Ignacio Garnham (Aarhus University), Jacob Browne (Philips).